Jonglei State is the least-developed region of Africa. Civil war, and prolonged floods and drought, threaten the fragile social system. Help is needed to enable the millions of displaced South Sudanese in refugee and Internally Displaced People’s camps return home to rebuild their lives and their country. At the same time, manage the volatile security situation responsible for displacements.


LWF South Sudan Program


Twic East, Duk and Bor South county of Jonglei State & Magwi County, Eastern Equatoria State


23,681 people (16,577 Host community/local community Including returnees and 7,104 IDPs) in Jonglei & Approximately 60,347 in Magwi


LWF World Service - South Sudan/LWF World Service

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Home and Happy

Crop yield comparison

Despite a peace agreement being signed in 2018, the situation in South Sudan remains challenging. Alongside outbreaks of conflict is the damage caused by major flooding. Meanwhile, the war in Ukraine has increased the already high prices for fuel.

Two thirds of people in South Sudan do not know where their next meal will come from.

At the same time, people still long to return to South Sudan to places where there are pockets of peace and stability. ALWS partner, LWF, is working to support refugees to return home, and equipping them to be self-supporting.

People learn sustainable farming methods like sack-farming and simple irrigation. They are shown how to start up Village Savings and Loans Groups, and equipped with vegetable and fruit seedlings like cow-peas, pigeon-peas, onions, tomatoes and watermelon.

“ The people who went back to South Sudan carried the knowledge with them. I believe they will contribute to their country’s development in many ways.”
                                                                                                                         – Lokiru YOHANA,
                                                                                             LWF regional Program Coordinator

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  • 143 teachers and 8 hygiene promoters in women’s health management, which resulted in improved mentorship and
    hygiene awareness for 2,315 women and girls trained through LWF South Sudan
  • 10,178 people engaged in human rights and social cohesion activities and received psychosocial support
  • 33,337 people engaged in quality education 
  • 9,500 people accessed safe drinking water and improved health services
  • 9,500 people received psychosocial support, hygiene kits and non-food items (e.g. soap). Triaging processes at medical facilities was improved. Safe locations were established for the provision of humanitarian services during the South Sudan crisis

Thank you!

  Local Partner   LWF World Service
  Where   Jonglei, Magwi, Maban, Jamjang
  Who   9 Interns. 32 Staff trained
  ALWS Action   ALWS: $860
  DFAT: $28,973
  Total: $29,833


Young women in South Sudan face barriers to accessing decent employment and the Internship program does not only promote gender diversity in the workforce in LWF South Sudan but most importantly provides a platform to guide young women to advance their careers.

Our action together in 2022
A total of 32 staff were trained on gender analysis and gender mainstreaming, and protection from sexual exploitation and abuse. 
This was aimed to strengthen LWF’s internal mechanisms and their responsiveness to gender issues (internal appreciation), which  influences external reflections and interventions in terms of protection of rights holders.

Additionally, a total of 9 female Interns were recruited to increase inclusivity and gender equality within the organizational internal structures and interventions.

This has boosted the employability of young graduates who gained work experience during the internship. Two of the Interns have already been employed by other agencies and 1 has been employed by LWF.

What we’re learning
Long-term investment is required to establish and strengthen systems to promote gender mainstreaming at organisational and program  levels. Done well, this can significantly increase our humanitarian effectiveness.

Our impact
Through the ALWS-supported internship programs at least 10 young women who have never had an opportunity for formal employment have been trained and offered work experience that has enabled them to be employable. This support has not only benefitted the selected women but also their respective communities as they serve as role models to the younger generation.

Your support goes towards promoting and scaling up farming for food production.

This includes individual extension methods (individual farm visits for technical support) and group extension methods (demonstrations and field days), provision of early maturing and agro-ecologically appropriate crop and vegetable types and support for flood mitigation structures. 

Fishing is one of the key food sources for communities in the project areas.  Your support will help train fishing groups on fish production, preservation, and marketing.  The fishing groups will also be supported to form cooperatives to support the fish value chain.


Your support will help the community to identify and select locally viable productive engagements. 

Trainings on business management and saving and loaning plus start-up capital will be provided to facilitate youth (especially ex-child soldiers) and women effectively engage in identified business opportunities. 

Additionally, 200 women will be trained in poultry production and management and each provided with money to buy 3 hens and 1 rooster.

The ongoing conflict in South Sudan has resulted in very poor education services. 

Your support will help in the expansion of a primary school through the construction of 4 additional classrooms, renovation of another primary school, purchase of teaching and learning supplies, purchase of school desks and furniture, training of teachers and school management committees and purchase of menstrual cups and reusable pads for adolescent school-going girls.

In Jonglei

In the current unpredictable weather patterns, there is need for increased adoption of climate-smart agriculture, adaptive livelihoods options, and enhanced community based psychosocial support systems.

In Magwi

For greater impact and sustainability, it is important that development projects adopt a nexus approach that looks at multiple variables and addresses the different phases of humanitarian response i.e., emergency aid and development support, and peace/disaster resilience.


Our agricultural initiatives delivered by LWF South Sudan improved livelihoods through enhanced farming practices, with evaluators noting the project’s “harmonious mix of self-reliance and economic progress.

Our education work through LWF South Sudan has significantly enhanced educational opportunities for children in Twic East, Duk and Bor South counties, resulting in increased enrolments.

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