Since 2004, ALWS and the Evangelical Lutheran Church of Papua New Guinea (ELCPNG) have been partners in the Church Partnership Program, supported by the Australian Government through the PNGAusPartnership. The program works to strengthen the capacity of the ELCPNG to help its local communities.
Tabitha's Gift
When mum Vero learnt Tabitha had impaired hearing, she fell into despair.
That’s why the counselling training Tabitha’s teacher received with the support of the Lutheran Church in PNG is such a blessing.
Vero shares …
“Tabitha was born fine, but when she was 8 months old she had cerebral malaria. This affected her hearing, but it was only when she was 2, going on 3, that we knew this for sure.
When I found out about this problem,
I was worrying so much I almost lost my mind.
I did not expect this to happen to my little girl. When Tabitha grows up, if she has challenges in her life, how will she share them with me?
In the community we come from we have never seen anyone else with this problem. So, I kept Tabitha close to home so she would not suffer any discrimination.”
Australian support is changing life for Tabitha and Vero. The Australian government, through ALWS, supports the Lutheran Church in PNG in practical actions to help people like Tabitha and Vero in poor communities.
For Tabitha, it was training for her teacher in understanding and supporting children with special needs. Now there’s a special class Tabitha can attend. Vero explains:
“Before this class, all the while Tabitha and I never had a proper way to communicate.
So now we both come to school to learn signing. When I come here I feel happy because we are opening up communication, and it is relieving me of my worries about communication.
Tabitha thinks she is just like everybody else.
She can do lip-reading, and likes playing sports. She also likes looking at pictures in the newspaper and magazines. She pulls out the magazines from the shelf in the classroom to look at all the pictures, and cries if the teacher tells her she must stop.”
Thanks to the support of people like you, Tabitha is receiving the support she needs. Yet the impact of the help you give Tabitha doesn’t end with her. Vero smiles:
“I think Jesus has a special place for children like Tabitha. I would like Tabitha to become a nurse to care for people like her with a similar disability. There is a big challenge in the hospital now because the nurses don’t know how to communicate.
This will be a gift Tabitha can give.”
The Church Partnership Program is supported by the Australian Government through the Papua New Guinea–Australia Partnership.
Find out more about...
Papua New Guinea | |
What | Church Partnership Program |
Local Partner | Evangelical Lutheran Church of PNG (ELCPNG) |
Where | Country-wide |
Who | 2,848 direct participants (1,165 female, 1,683 male, including 122 with disabilities) |
ALWS Action | ALWS: $1,632 DFAT: $471,728 Total: $473,360 |
Families and communities in PNG, especially in remote rural areas, face many health, education, livelihoods and security challenges, yet adequate service delivery is lacking, and women, children and persons with disabilities are particularly at risk.
ELCPNG advocates for the improved inclusion of people with disability in village and community life, and in the provision of government and church services.
The Lutheran Disability Program (LDP) has established community level Self-Help Groups and Disabled People’s Organisations (DPOs), as well as a network of community-based rehabilitation volunteers.
The goal is to address the barriers to inclusion, especially the negative attitude and stigma which surrounds disability, faced by people with disability in PNG.
Your support empowers people with disability by helping to meet the costs of training community-based rehabilitation volunteers and facilitating self-help group formation.
ELCPNG is using its existing resources, such as church buildings and Sunday School teachers, to establish an Early Childhood Education program, giving children access to structured learning and development opportunities.
It is working on the development of a policy and plan incorporating disability and child protection considerations.
Coordinating with government and community stakeholders, ELCPNG is in the process of finalising a curriculum and providing training for Sunday School teachers and other community volunteers.
Your support enables children in PNG to improve their educational outcomes by helping to meet the costs of training and providing learning resources
ELCPNG is developing pathways for disengaged youth to improve their livelihoods and participate as respected community member through the development of a youth worker training program.
An important focus is on ensuring young women are trained as youth mobilisers, and that the types of training opportunities provided cater to the interests and needs of young women.
In addition, youth leaders are delivering stewardship training, empowering participants to use the existing resources in their rural settings to develop sustainable livelihoods. Your support helps create opportunities for youth by helping to meet the costs of these initiatives.
- 418 people trained on disability-inclusive development and establishing self help groups
- 25 young people (18 male, 7 female) trained in peer counselling skills to help reduce violence in schools
- 34 young people join character-building workshops t0 develop leadership skills
- 71 coffee farmers equipped to use solar dryers to improve coffee production
- 63 farmers trained to produce pig feed from self-grown sweet potato tubers and leaves
- 136 people trained on disaster risk management
Thank you!
Good plans and flexibility are needed to adapt to changing contexts and opportunities. Training young people is helping make progress on difficult challenges like violence.
Through the Church Partnership Program, the ELCPNG is increasing the wellbeing of families and communities through improving its health and education services, engaging young people in development activities, supporting vulnerable people, and assisting communities to build up their resilience in the face of disasters, climate change and conflict.
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