Your prayers are precious.

Your prayers for the work you do through ALWS are a blessing. 

Below you’ll find some suggested prayers, as well as some prayer points. 

If you are looking for something specific, simply drop us a line.

We thank God for your support through prayer.

Prayers & Prayer Points

  • the people and communities you serve through ALWS in developing countries
  • refugees and displaced people affected by natural disasters and war 
  • local and national governments of the countries where ALWS takes your help
  • our partner staff who deliver your support on the ground, often living away from their families
  • our team around Australia.

Lord, may we respond by faith to what we hear,
and use our mouths to share who you are.

May we tell of your good deeds and love,
and inspire faith in those around us.

Help us to have compassion for those in need,
and respond in love with acts of generosity


(Claire Welch)

Lord God, you have opened my eyes to the world around me.

Let these eyes not grow weary because of what they see:
> war instead of peace,
> despair instead of hope,
> profit instead of prosperity,
> want instead of need,
> statistics instead of people,
> destruction and pollution instead of nurture and growth.

I know your continual challenge to me: to pursue a life of justice and peace.

I know you have provided me the tools to make a difference.

Your message has lit a spark within.

Ensure that I will continue to look upon the people of the world as my neighbours:
> that I will not stay quiet as injustice continues
> that I will not let hatred or despair win over love and hope
> that I will not let your people become statistics that remove their humanity
> that I will not sit by as your world is damaged beyond repair.

I pray that you will keep the fire burning within me.


(John Cooper)

God of the impossible,

We pray for justice, peace and reconciliation.

And when the challenges seem too many, remind us of Your resurrection power, and the miracles of Your love that happen whenever injustice is dismantled and rebuilt with peace.

Help us to hope that the impossible can happen and live as if it might do so today.


Bless us all with understanding,

Help us to see, that all humans are born equal,

Different in talents, circumstances, intellect and beauty,

But equal in humanity, the right to live, the right to be,

The right to live in safety to see family grow, the right to be free,

The right to dream and achieve, the right to prosper.

May we always remember, all humans are born equal.

(Adapted from Abby Willowroot 2009)

Can we pray for YOU?

You can use the form below to let us know a prayer need, and we'll pray for you at our weekly devotion.

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