published in Hope Spots 2024 on August 15, 2024

Hope Spot 29 – Way to go!

You go first to those who are forgotten…

Last Sunday, my wife Julie took me on a bush walk.


Her smart watch said we did 12,000 steps.


My startled legs said we did 12,000 kilometres.


Our walk was part of the Heysen Trail, which is actually 1,200 kilometes. The good thing is I’ve got the photo of me by the sign so I think now I can say I’ve ‘done’ it! 😊


The bush we walked through was wild in places…


… so, I was always relieved to see the little sign that showed we were on the right track, and pointing what direction to go next.


ALWS does the same thing when we organise a Walk My Way, pointing out the route, as you can see below:



The ‘signs’ that lead you through the bush to your ALWS projects in South Sudan are a little different …



You’ll have to look very closely, but the tree on the right-hand side of the 4WD has a white machete mark …


This is the ‘sign’ showing the way.


As you can see from the state of the 4WD, through ALWS you go to some wild and remote places.


(Did I mention the wild animals I could hear roaring in the bush? Or the fact that this was where the Lord’s Resistance Army terror group kidnapped children to be soldiers?)


All this got me to thinking about the ALWS partners – like LWF (Lutheran World Federation) – who take your care to the people you help.


Their courage. Their commitment. Their compassion.


The good thing for you and me is that they live locally, know the country, and are trusted by the people.


Which means your care can get to where you can’t go.


You can see this on the map of Ethiopia below, showing where your ALWS action will help complete a 635 metres long irrigation channel…



… that will provide reliable year-round water to 223 farm families, so they can increase their harvest, and no longer suffer the ‘hungry season’.


Donate now


When an ALWS team planned to visit the project, the Australian Embassy in Ethiopia told us:


…please note Tigray and Amhara Regional States are at a Do Not Travel (level 4 of 4), your health and safety are at extreme risk in these locations. We continue to receive reports of possible high threat of armed conflict, violent social unrest, infectious disease and critical levels of violent crime.


If you travel to these locations, you are at a high risk of death, imprisonment, kidnapping or serious bodily harm.


If you get into trouble, the Australian Embassy in Addis Ababa may be unable to help. In most cases, our ability to provide consular assistance in these destinations is extremely limited. You should not travel to these locations. 




That’s no Sunday morning Heysen Trail bush walk.


I share this with you, so you can hold in your prayers the front-line teams you support in places like Ethiopia and South Sudan …


… and take heart knowing they go before you. Pointing the way to people forgotten by the world, so you can offer your care and kindness where you are needed most.


Way to go!


Like you, those front-line teams are a blessing ALWayS!



PS: I’ll share more about the 635 metres Irrigation Channel over coming weeks, and introduce you to the farm families you help – including one lady, Etagegne, who was able to harvest 12 sacks of tomatoes and 3 tonnes of onions! If you’d like to support this now, simply donate here. Thank you!



Your 5:1 donation is used wisely


♥ You help with practical care


ALWS has committed to provide $365,000 to support this Climate Resilient Livelihood Project in Lasta Woreda in the North Wollo Zone of Amhara Region in Ethiopia. Our aim is to raise this amount by Friday 27 September. Should ALWS receive income beyond this amount, those funds will be used to support other life-transforming ALWS projects. 


♥ You give ‘no strings attached’ aid

Information in this communication is based on data correct at time of writing, and may change. Funds and other resources designated for the purpose of aid and development will be used only for those purposes and will not be used to promote a particular religious adherence or to support a political party, or to promote a candidate or organisation affiliated to a particular party, or to support welfare activities as defined by DFAT. For more information, call: 1300 763 407


♥ Your kindness goes to work carefully

In 2023, ALWS ‘overheads’ (fundraising and administration costs as defined by ACFID Code of Conduct) were 15.43%. The 5 year average is 15.77%. A copy of the most current ALWS Annual Report can be viewed at or requested: 1300 763 407.


♥ Your privacy is important to us

ALWS collects personal information about you in order to process your gift. A copy of the ALWS Privacy Policy is available at If you don’t wish to receive further news from ALWS, simply call 1300 763 407 or write to

Australian Lutheran World Service (ALWS) is The Overseas Aid & Development Agency of the Lutheran Church of Australia – ABN 36 660 551 871

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