published in Hope Spots 2024 on July 16, 2024

Hope Spot 26 – Your 23/24 ALWS Annual Report

Your Impact in 2024!

I think of you as a shareholder in ALWS.


ALWS exists to take your kindness to people who need your help. We seek to do this as efficiently and effectively as we can.

That’s why we prepare an Annual Report for you.


Your ALWS Annual Report shows how your donations are put to work, and introduces you to some of the people your generosity and compassion help.


There is plenty for you to explore when you click on the cover photo …


… but here are some highlights, based on the questions people most often ask me. In FY 23/24:


  • 412,847 people in 16 countries had their lives impacted …


  • by 6,619 people like you donating through ALWS …


  • with Overheads* of 15.4%


* Overheads = fundraising, administration and accountability costs as defined by ACFID Code of Conduct. The 5 year average for ALWS is 15.77%.




What’s really exciting is that 50,267 people were supported to start businesses and build livelihoods so they could support their families, with independence and dignity!




Another 93,253 people – an MCG AFL Grand Final crowd – received emergency support after being hurt by conflict or natural disasters. This was vital for Children of War in places the world has forgotten, like Ukraine, Myanmar and the Horn of Africa.




Something very special in FY 23/24 was the $1,056,351 donated by people leaving a gift in their Will to keep on helping people through ALWS!


If this is something you’d like to consider, simply go to Lives you touch.




There is much more I could share with you, but I simply invite you to make a cuppa and explore your FY 23/24 ALWS Annual Report.


You’ll see with each page you turn, your impact on people the world has forgotten.


The smiles you’ll enjoy are your ‘dividend’ for being a ‘shareholder’ in the transformation of their lives – a blessing ALWayS!


Thank you!



PS: If you’d like a printed Annual Report, simply reply to this email or call us on 1300 763 407. ALWS is also preparing Annual Donation Statements for the 6,619 people who donated to help people through ALWS in FY 23/24. We thank God for everyone who, over many years, brings love to life through ALWS. Thank you! 


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